When you get a customized fire truck from trusted fire fighting vehicles manufacturers, they will provide you with the best paint quality. When you choose such a reliable manufacturer, the painting process will be completed with utmost dedication and care. But what is the fire truck painting process that these manufacturers rely on? Let’s discuss the process.
Acid wash
The first step in the process is acid wash. This step helps with opening up the pores on the truck’s surface. This helps ensure that the coating applied afterward grabs on the surface and creates an efficient and long-lasting bond. So, the surface will be cleaned to eliminate all kinds of oil, grease, etc. This will help ensure the paint is only done on a clean surface. Therefore, the paint will properly stick to the surface.
Hand sanding
Once the acid wash is completed, the next step followed by fire truck manufacturers will be hand sanding. This step helps ensure that there are no imperfections on the surface. So the surface will be ready for the next steps.
Primer surface coat
Priming helps fill in all the imperfections. Priming is also vital to protect the paint from corrosion. This makes the primer surface coat essential.
Your team will have complete freedom to choose the customization and paint based on your specific requirements. Therefore, the manufacturers will confirm your choice and then get started with painting. Specialists will apply the paint. The professionals will triple-check the paint to ensure that it matches your preferences.
Clear coat
Once the firetruck is painted, the professionals will then move on to a clear coat. These seasoned professionals will apply several coats of clear paint to protect the paint and extend its lifespan. The glossy finish will make the trucks look stunning.
Color sanding
Color sanding is the next step in the painting process. The professionals will color sand your truck. This will help smoothen the clear coat. Hence, the finish will truly look like a mirror and exceed all your expectations.
The final step will be buffing, which will help add even more shine to the trucks. All these steps help create the perfect finish that will match your company’s needs.
If you plan on working with the manufacturer of firefighting trucks, contact Bristol Vehicles Manufacturing Division. Our experienced team helps clients with a wide range of vehicles, such as ambulances, firefighting trucks, trailers, and a lot more. So, all your needs will be fulfilled when you trust our team.
Get in touch with us for more information!